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Malmo Konsthall announces Gerry Johansson: Photography

Malmo Konsthall presents Gerry Johansson: Photography on view 5 April–15 June 2014.

Gerry Johansson is a representative of classic black-and-white photography. In the course of his artistic career he has consistently photographed cities and landscapes, resulting in a number of exhibitions and books. Looking back upon his photographic works, we encounter both urban environments and the countryside in various geographical locations. Johansson is more interested in the impressions left by humans than in humans themselves. Using unadorned and thoughtful imagery, he describes everyday life, and things that could easily pass unnoticed.

Gerry Johansson never arranges his images. Instead, he discovers a city or landscape, wanders around, and tries to convey a fair sense of the place through his photographs. His images are clearly carefully composed. The photographs are often taken at eye level, with a constant focal length, and the processing is always done with analogue methods in the darkroom. This exhibition showcases three series: “Ulan Bator,” “Pontiac” and “Småland.”

Gerry Johansson (b. 1945) studied graphic design at Konstindustriskolan in Göteborg (now the School of Design and Crafts at the University of Gothenburg) and then worked as a graphic designer. He was one of the founders of the magazines Aktuell Fotografi and Fotografiskt Album as well as the photographic book series Aktuell fotolitteratur. In the mid-1980s he became a full-time freelance photographer. He had his first solo exhibition at Moderna Museet in Stockholm in 1982 and was most recently exhibited at Malmö Konsthall in 1992.

Malmö Konsthall
S:t Johannesgatan 7
SE-205 80 Malmö