Chopin and Liszt draws on the Academy’s Collections to highlight the impact of these two seminal figures on nineteenth-century keyboard culture. Open September 2010-September 2011.
By the early years of the nineteenth-century, the piano had become a forceful and subtle instrument.
Chopin (1810 – 1849) and Liszt (1811 – 1856) were two of the most successful composer-performers to master the musical potential of these technological advances.
This exhibition includes examples of the types of piano that inspired them. Academy students will demonstrate the instruments for visitors and give personal insights into the lasting importance of Chopin and Liszt. Collection material on display shows their impact on pianists of all levels of ability, on piano teaching and on other musicians.
The exhibition will form the core of a busy programme of performance-related events.
Image: Portrait of Franz Liszt. Carte de visite, sepia, 1860s. Reproduction
The museum displays material from the Academy’s world-renowned collections of instruments, artefacts, manuscripts, images and iconography. Most importantly, the museum is a hub of teaching and research not only for Academy students and staff but also for the lifelong learners who attend our regular educational events.
The galleries are open every day, 11:30am–5:30pm Monday to Friday, 12:00–4.00pm Saturday and Sunday.
Royal Academy of Music Marylebone Road, London NW1 5HT, UK. Telephone +44 (0)20 7873 7373