The twenty-first century commenced amidst great upheaval—global conflict, the struggle to reconcile individual and societal freedom, changing modes of communication and rampant consumerism. Artists Christian Widmer and Mike Williams use the camera to respond intuitively […]
Daily Archives: August 22, 2010
Thirty Years of Collecting: A Recent Gift to the Museum showcases approximately 100 new works of contemporary art given this year to the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art by Don and Carolyn Eason. Santa Fe-based […]
This September the Royal Academy of Arts will present an exhibition of works which will showcase the breadth and wealth of one of the finest collections in Central Europe. Open 25 September—12 December 2010 In […]
A photograph of “Peanuts” creator Charles M. Schulz (1922–2000) will be presented to the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery in a ceremony for invited guests Oct. 1. The event recognizes the cartoonist’s impact on millions of […]
New York, NY – Roy Lichtenstein (1923–1997) has long been considered one of the key figures in the development of Pop Art. His signature brightly colored paintings are cornerstones of museum collections the world over. […]
Oklahoma City, OK – Explore the bold works of Luis Jiménez with a one-of-a-kind exhibition held only at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art, open through December 12, 2010. Organized by the Oklahoma City Museum […]
This year marks the centenary of the death of William McTaggart, one of Scotland’s best-loved artists. The National Gallery of Scotland will celebrate his life and work with a small exhibition featuring over 25 stunning […]
The Oklahoma City Museum of Art has again achieved accreditation by the American Association of Museums (AAM), the highest national recognition for a museum. Accreditation signifies excellence to the museum community, to governments, funders, outside […]
The University of Michigan Museum of Arts rare and important collection of James McNeill Whistler works on paper represents one of the finest holdings of Whistler’s graphic output in North America. This exhibition, open through, […]
The National Galleries of Scotland is delighted to announce the launch of their first ever iPhone app. Created for the major summer exhibition Impressionist Gardens, it is now free to download from the iTunes store. […]
Drawings from a sketchbook belonging to the portrait painter John Partridge (1789-1872) will be shown for the first time at the National Portrait Gallery open through 13 March 2011. The sketchbook, from Partridge’s tour of […]