Carmen and Yogi Berra helped move some bricks and mortar last Oct. 5 as part of the Museum’s groundbreaking ceremony, paving the way for the building’s $3.5 million renovation and expansion.
And with a little help from Mother Nature, the Museum’s new gleaming glass exterior and expanded gallery entrance will be done around the start of the 2010 baseball season.
The vastly newYBMLC — designed by Joseph Tattoni and ArvindTikku of ikon.5 architects of Princeton,NJ — is expected to be completed in about a year, with the exhibit gallery and theater also part of the overall renovation.
“This has been a dream ofYogi’s and Carmen’s for a long time,” said Kevin Carroll, president of the Museum’s Board ofTrustees. “The renovation and expansion, with all of its exciting new additions and upgrades, will allow us to enhance the Museum experience — especially for the thousands of youngsters who will continue to benefit from our programs that teach history, good values and character education.” Indeed, the exhibit gallery, designed by Gallagher & Associates of Silver Spring,Md., will better reflect the remarkable accomplishments and important values thatYogi Berra has always lived by.
The upgrade of the theater, which will remain the hub of the Museum’s educational and public programming (and allow for more convenient broadcasts and long-distance learning), is being made possible by a gift from Jay and Patty Baker.
Yogi Berra Museum History
Since officially opening its doors on Dec. 4, 1998, with students and teachers from the Bradford Academy in Montclair being the first public visitors, the YBMLC has become a hugely popular destination for sports fans and educators alike. It is also recognized as the New York metropolitan area’s premier sports education center.
Yogi Berra Museum & Learning Center
On the campus of Montclair State University
8 Quarry Road
Little Falls, NJ 07424