The DePaul University Art Museum presents The Basilica of St. Vincent de Paul : Architecture of the Catholic Renouveau in Paris, open through November 20, 2010.
An exhibition, publication, and related programs on the history of a Vincentian landmark in Paris provide a new context for DePaul’s heritage with particular focus on the role of the church in urban settings. Rebuilding the basilica of St. Vincent marked the return of the order to postrevolutionary France and established progressive architectural principles of the Catholic renouveau still visible in Chicago.
The DePaul University Art Museum extends the institution’s commitments to excellence, diversity and social concerns through innovative exhibitions, programs, and events that analyze the variety and depth of artistic expression. The Museum acquires, preserves and displays the University’s diverse and growing collection of works of art. Its exhibitions, programs and collections engage the wide expertise represented in the University’s community of knowledge, giving visible and accessible form to the intellectual and creative work of faculty and students through collaborative exploration of cultural production. For the DePaul community and for wider audiences the gallery serves as a laboratory for the exploration of innovative approaches to art and culture.