Daily Archives: October 24, 2010

8 posts

Neues Museum Berlin Celebrates First Anniversary

The Neues Museum in Berlin celebrated it’s first anniversary on 15 October 2010, marking the anniversary of the Neues Museum’s reopening on the Museum Island Berlin. Since opening its doors a year ago, more than […]

Main Street Children’s Museum to open at ChristmasVille

Main Street Children’s Museum, the Culture & Heritage Museums’ newest site, will open at Rock Hill’s ChristmasVille festival December 2. The name for the children’s museum was selected based on research from the Association of […]

Bass Museum of Art Presents The Nudist Museum

The Bass Museum of Art presents The Nudist Museum by Ellen Harvey, open November 7, 2010. Ellen Harvey’s Nudist Museum uses the Bass Museum’s collection to reveal a wide variety of different historical paradigms of […]

National World War II Museum Marks Veterans Day

The National World War II Museum will mark November 11, Veterans Day, with a call to ears, not arms. Museum historians and curators are urging young Americans and their parents to reach out to the […]