Daily Archives: November 9, 2010

12 posts

Grand Rapids Art Museum Opens Diana – A Celebration

The award‐winning exhibition showcases the life and humanitarian work of one of the 20th century’s most remarkable women, Diana, Princess of Wales. The exhibition’s nine galleries will feature more than 150 personal objects including her […]

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Launches New Web Site

Carnegie Museum of Natural History has announced its redesigned Web site, accessible at www.carnegiemnh.org One of the major goals of the site was to better share information about the museum’s world-renown research and scientists. Visitors […]

USC Fisher Museum Presents Kucha and the Silk Road

USC Fisher Museum presents Kucha and the Silk Road a one-day symposium exploring the cave temples of Kucha, which rank among some of the most significant monuments along the Silk Road. Located in what is […]

USC Fisher Museum Announces Re-accreditation by AAM

Los Angeles- USC Fisher Museum of Art is pleased to announce its re-Accreditation by the American Association of Museums (AAM). Of the many art museums in the CITY OF Los Angeles, Fisher Museum of Art […]