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Brueghel Painting on Display at York Art Gallery

Brueghel’s The Procession to Calvary is on display at York Art Gallery, through 9 January, 2011.

This iconic old Master is going on show at York Art Gallery as part of a campaign to save it for the nation.

Pieter Brueghel the Younger, The Procession to Calvary, 1602 Photo: Robert Thrift © National Trust

Completed in 1602 by Pieter Brueghel the Younger, the painting is one of his finest works and shows Christ carrying the cross on the way to his crucifixion. He is surrounded by over 200 figures in a vibrant narrative, set in a contemporary Flemish landscape.

The painting has been hung at Nostell Priory in Yorkshire, a National Trust property, for more than 200 years, and is owned by the Priory’s former owner, Lord St Oswald.

It is now being put up for sale and the Art Fund and the National Trust have started a joint campaign to raise £2.2 million to secure the painting’s future. Almost £900,000 has been raised so far.

You can donate to the appeal online at: or telephone 0844 415 4004 – or please send cheques, made payable to the Art Fund, to The Art Fund, Freepost SN1457, Halifax Road, MELKSHAM, SN12 7BR

York Art Gallery, Exhibition Square, York YO1 7EW T: +44 (0) 1904 687687

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