Museum PR Announcements News and Information

The Museum of Civilization Presents The Horse

The Museum of Civilization presents The Horse on view through January 2, 2011.

For thousands of years, we have interacted with horses in many ways, creating hundreds of specialized breeds. Horses, in turn, have shaped human culture, affecting over the years how we worked, waged war, travelled, spoke, displayed our status, engaged in sports, harvested food and soothed our souls.

The exhibition explores in-depth how horses and humans have influenced one another. The Horse showcases fossils, models, dioramas, cultural objects from around the world, and looks at horse species of the past and horse art from the Palaeolithic period to the present. It features spectacular artifacts including a full suit of armour for a horse from the 15th century, paintings of the Canadian Cavalry in action during First World War, and a horse-drawn fire engine from the 19th century.

The Museum will also offer a series of special activities throughout the duration of the exhibition.

Image: The Canadian Museum of Civilization
Canadian Museum of Civilization
100 Laurier Street
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0M8

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