Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Parrish Art Museum Opens Juliao Sarmento Artists and Writers / House and Home

The Parrish Art Museum Presents Julião Sarmento: Artists and Writers/House and Home, on viewA pril 17–June 11, 2011.

The exhibition underscores the artist’s long engagement with the themes of language, writing, and a sense of place. Artists and Writers/House and Home will be the artist’s first solo exhibition in an American museum since the 1999 exhibition Fundamental Accuracy presented at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, DC. In the decade since, Sarmento has experienced a remarkable period of aesthetic and intellectual growth in his art. The exhibition includes more than 40 paintings and works on paper, ranging from the monumentally scaled mixed media on canvas Anything To Fill In The Long Silences, 1998 and Where Speech Could Have Been Transcribed, 2001, to intimately scaled paintings on paper from the 2000 series “What Makes a Writer Great.” Also featured are large enamel, collage, and graphic on paper drawings from “Women and Houses and Plants” and “House of Games,” both from 2009, and the provocative etching and aquatint edition Seven Houses and Six Flats, 2006. In a special collaboration, the renowned author James Salter will author the accompanying illustrated publication.

The presentation of Julião Sarmento: Artists and Writers/House and Home, its catalogue, and accompanying programs are made possible, in part, with generous support from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Directorate-General for the Arts, Portuguese Ministry of Culture. Generous support has also been received from Brenda Potter, Lyndley and Samuel Schwab, Barbara and Aaron Levine, and Anita and Burton Reiner.

The Museum’s programs are made possible, in part, with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, celebrating 50 years of building strong, creative communities in New York State’s 62 counties.

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