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Spanish Government Honours Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) Director Enrique Juncosa

The Spanish State has awarded one of its highest decorations, the Order of Civil Merit, to Enrique Juncosa, Director of the Irish Museum of Modern Art since 2003.

The award is being made by King Juan Carlos of Spain in recognition of Mr Juncosa’s outstanding contribution to the arts in Ireland and his work in promoting cultural cooperation between Ireland and Spain. It will be presented this evening by the Ambassador of Spain in Ireland, Her Excellency Ms Mercedes Rico, at the Ambassador’s Residence in Ailesbury Road. The Order of Civil Merit was established by King Alfonso XIII in 1926 to “reward the civic virtues of civil servants as well as the extraordinary services to the Nation of Spanish and foreign subjects.” Mr Juncosa has been awarded the Encomienda de Número of this order, which is the highest category.

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