Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Smithsonian National Postal Museum Announces The William H. Gross Stamp Gallery

William H. Gross, the founder of PIMCO and a stamp collector, has donated $8 million to the National Postal Museum to create a new 12,000-square-foot gallery that will be named in his honor. The new gallery, which will give the museum public space at the street level, is expected to open in 2013.

In addition to the financial donation, Gross will loan three extraordinary philatelic objects: A cover from the Pony Express service; a cover featuring the 10-cent George Washington stamp, dated July 2, 1847; and a block of four 1918 “Inverted Jennys.”

The new William H. Gross Gallery will house the three rarities from Gross and other great items from the National Stamp Collection. In addition, there will be space for educational exhibits, temporary exhibitions and public programs.

The expansion will also allow direct access to the museum from Massachusetts Avenue, featuring a Welcome Center for the entire museum in the historic lobby of the Postal Square Building.

The new William H. Gross Stamp Gallery will be comprised of five unique sections, resulting in a powerful and engaging experience for museum visitors. Each area will showcase the museum’s world-class collection of philatelic and postal history objects and provide the public greater access and the Collection greater visibility.

Image: Conceptual design of new Welcome Center and historic lobby National Postal Museum

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