Museum PR Announcements News and Information

American Museum of Natural History Presents Discovering Space and Earth in Space Sailors and Space Tourists

Christian Frei’s Space Tourists profiles the booming space tourism industry. © Christian Frei.

Space Sailors, makes its U.S. premiere at the Margaret Mead Film Festival on Sunday, November 13. Space Sailors, which traces Farkas and nine other cosmonauts from their high-profile flights for the Soviet Intercosmos Program to their meteoric falls from fame after the Soviet Union’s collapse, is featured as part of the Mead Festival’s Dreams of Outer Space series, presented in anticipation of the Museum’s upcoming exhibition Beyond Planet Earth: The Future of Space Exploration.

Along with Academy-Award nominee Christian Frei’s Space Tourists, a portrait of the modern space tourism industry that will be shown on Friday, November 11, Space Sailors takes as its subjects people who undergo extreme physical and mental training for their journeys to space but must also learn how handle life upon their return to Earth.

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