Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Museum of Clean Opens in Pocatello Idaho

The Don Aslett Museum of Clean opens this weekend. This first ever and one-of-a-kind museum collects, preserves, and displays artifacts and records that illuminate the little-known history of cleaning. The museum highlights more than 3,000 treasures of the past and reveals the progress of cleaning up ourselves and the planet over the centuries.

The Don Aslett Museum of Clean

In the museum you will find here the tools, machines, appliances, art, posters, and dramatic presentations that add up to a look, feel, hear, and “try-it-out” trip!! Don Aslett, America’s #1 Cleaning Expert, after more than 58 years in the profession of clean, created this as his lifetime legacy. The museum is located in a beautiful southern Idaho city, Pocatello, and housed in a spacious 80,000-square-foot green building.

Museum of Clean • PO Box 4549 • Pocatello ID 83205
Call 208-236-6906

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