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Dayton Visual Arts Center Presents Bart Vargas. Alchemy of Art

The Dayton Visual Arts Center present Bart Vargas. Alchemy of Art an exhibition on view November 4-December 30, 2011.

Bart Vargas, Dayton Visual Arts Center

Artist Statement – My artwork is about process, form and materials, and the tensions and contradictions between the three. I constantly work in multiples, exploring different variations and possibilities of the same or similar ideas in order to maximize what I can develop from them. These roughly painted objects are panels composed of simple striped patterns composing solid planes or fragmented and reassembled into irregular four sided polygons that unapologetically subvert the authority of the square and rectangle as a traditional format and shape of art. Each forms compositions that are playful celebrations of creation, color and light that become an environment of bright colors, positive energy, and dynamic movement with subtle references to personal experience, astronomy, geology, and the mysteries of existence. — Bart Vargas

Dayton Visual Arts Center
118 N. Jefferson St. Dayton OH 45402
TELEPHONE 937 224.3822
FAX 937 224.4356

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