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Moderna Museet announces freq_out

Moderna Museet presents freq_out on – 48h around the clock
17 February, 7 pm–19 February, 7 pm.

freq_out8 is a sound installation consisting of 12 individual sound pieces—each using a specific sound frequency—that together form a soundscape. Each of the artists in freq_out8 will work with a frequency range within which she or he will create a piece on site at Moderna Museet. The result will be a combination of sound, space and light that ‘drenches’ the galleries in all the colours of the rainbow.

For 48 hours, seven galleries in the collection will present only sound art and concerts.

Tickets can be bought at Moderna Museet from 31 January 2012. The ticket will also permit entry to the rest of the museum during ordinary opening hours 18–19 February 2012.

freq_out is organised by Carl Michael von Hausswolff.

Participating artists and frequencies:
0­–25 Hz JG Thirlwell (AUS/USA)
25–65 Hz Per Magnus Lindborg (SWE)
65–90 Hz Jana Winderen (NOR)
90–140 Hz Maia Urstad (NOR)
140–180 Hz Brandon La Belle (USA)
180–250 Hz Tommi Grönlund/Petteri Nisunen (FIN)
250–350 Hz Finnbogi Petursson (ISL)
350–500 Hz Franz Pomassl (AUT)
500–1000 Hz Christine Ödlund (SWE)
1000–2000 Hz Jacob Kirkegaard (DNK)
2000–5000 Hz Mike Harding (GBR)
5000–12000 Hz Kent Tankred (SWE)

Concerts will be held at various points during the 48 hours.

In collaboration with the Royal College of Music in Stockholm (KMH), Elektronmusikstudion (EMS) and Audiorama.

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