As the year of the referendum on the Kunsthaus extension gets under way, the Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft reports more than 350,000 admissions to the end of 2011 and a membership of more than 21,000. Highlights of the 2012 programme include ‘Winter Tales’ ‚ ‘Deftig Barock’ and ‘Gauguin.’
The 2011 programme brought the Kunsthaus Zürich its second-highest number of visitors in a decade, with more than 350,000 admissions (2010: 419,000, 2009: 227,000). Membership of the Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft stands at an all-time high of 21,650 (compared with 19,631 the previous year). Major contributors to the good result included the last weeks of the ‘Picasso’ exhibition (83,000 visitors) and the presentations ‘Franz Gertsch’ and ‘Miró, Monet, Matisse. The Nahmad Collection,’ with 67,000 and 87,000 admissions respectively.
The 2012 annual programme and offerings from art education, the library and the Prints and Drawings collection are published on Museum opening hours: Sat, Sun, Tues 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Wed, Thurs, Fri 10 a.m.– 8 p.m. See website for public holiday opening. Admission prices range from CHF 10 (concessions) to CHF 25 (combined ticket for exhibition plus collection). Members of the Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft enjoy free admission and many other benefits (annual fee CHF 30 for young people up to 25, CHF 95 for adults, CHF 160 for couples).