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Milwaukee Art Museum presents 2012 Scholastic Art Awards – Wisconsin Exhibition

The Milwaukee Art Museum presents 2012 Scholastic Art Awards –Wisconsin Exhibition on view March 4, 2012.

For more than thirty-five years, the Museum has presented the outstanding artistic talents of our area’s youth. Students in grades 7–12 annually awe Museum visitors with their creativity and skill. This year’s Scholastic Art Awards exhibition features over 325 artworks in the categories of Architecture, Ceramics & Glass, Comic Art, Design, Digital Art, Drawing, Fashion, Film & Animation, Jewelry, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, and Sculpture. Twenty-four visual artists and art professionals carefully selected the works from more than thirteen hundred entries based on the students’ handling of the materials and the expressive execution of the work.

Students whose artwork has earned an award are recognized in awards ceremonies at the Museum. The Silver Key Award denotes special statewide recognition; artworks receiving a Gold Key Award go on to compete with entries from more than seventy-five other competitions throughout the United States for Silver and Gold Medals.

The Scholastic Art Awards have been recognizing and encouraging excellence in the visual arts throughout the United States for over eighty years. Since 1976, the Wisconsin component has been hosted by the Milwaukee Art Museum, where thousands of young people and their teachers have been encouraged and inspired in their artistic endeavors. Many award winners go on to achieve distinction in the fields of fine and applied arts and design, and credit the early recognition they received as a participant in the Scholastic Art Awards.

Milwaukee Art Museum
700 North Art Museum Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53202

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