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High Museum of Art and Emory University Receive Grant From Mellon Foundation

The High Museum of Art and Emory University’s department of art history has received a significant grant from the Mellon Foundation. The grant, which focuses on object-centered curatorial training, will provide funding to support two art history doctoral candidates for a three-year program.

“The Museum is energized around the possibility of working closely with Emory colleagues to integrate materials and conservation training into graduate study in art history,” said Patricia Rodewald, the High’s Eleanor McDonald Storza Director of Education. “Utilizing our combined resources, we can enable these students to incorporate the latest technologies into their study of works of art.”

Each year, two students will be selected by a committee composed of Art History faculty and representatives from the High Museum of Art. One student will serve during the Spring semester and Summer term and the other will serve Summer term and Fall semester. Selected students will receive a fellowship plus a full stipend for summer research and travel in the U.S. and abroad.

The first two fellows have been chosen. Ashley Laverock’s fellowship will take place Spring-Summer 2012. Laverock, a student of French Medieval art, is advised by Elizabeth Pastan, Associate Professor of Art History. Cecily Boles’ fellowship will take place Summer-Fall 2012. Boles, a student of Italian Baroque art and art theory, is advised by Sarah McPhee, Professor of Art History. Oversight of the student’s work will be shared by the student’s primary faculty advisor and the relevant curators at the High Museum.

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