The Villa Bardini presents a large and valuable collection of over 100 paintings by famous artisits including Fattori, Signorini, Giuseppe Abbati, Eugenio Cecconi, Vito D’Ancona, Oscar Ghiglia, Ulvi Liege, Llewelyn Lloyd. On view April 1 to November 4 2012.
From the first painting of the exponents Macchiaioli up to that late in the first half of the twentieth century, the collection presents a significant body in the quality and variety in the themes that has been enriched from generation to generation and has come down to this day virtually unprecedented.
The collection, begun by John Del Greek, and increased significantly by Alexander Olschki Roster and family at the turn of the century, today boasts beautiful works through which you can recall a fascinating journey through the Tuscan collectors of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, trace the fervor of the battles of the Risorgimento, as re-cross the landscape of the ‘bush’ and the streets of a distant Florence, as well as capture beautiful scenes of family intimacy to be ferried to the Island of Elba by beautiful sailboats in the heat of a summer past.
An absorbing novel images of vintage runs parallel to suggest topics chief concern of the cultural debate, social, medical and scientific which the protagonists of our story helped, first of all to the empowerment of women.
Fondazione Parchi Monumentali Bardini e Peyron
Costa San Giorgio, 2 – 50125 Firenze.
Tel. 055 20066206
Fax: 055 20066236
E-mail: [email protected]