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The Power Plant announces Tools for Conviviality exhibition

The Power Plant presents Tools for Conviviality, an exhibition on view 30 June–26 August 2012.

Tools for Conviviality features artists from Toronto, Vancouver, Paris, and Vienna who create and engage tools to affect social behaviour. It includes works that are interactive as well as mechanisms towards self-help, political shifts, ritual devices, defence, and critique. Referencing the 1973 text by philosopher Ivan Illich of the same name which sought to dismantle the specialization of industrial knowledge by elites, Tools for Conviviality seeks to develop a politic of having more individual influence in the world. The tools that most interested Illich, and are reflected in the exhibition, have links to self-organization, wiki models, democratic space, and forms of communal activity.

The Power Plant
231 Queens Quay West
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2G8 Canada

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