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Hood presents Contemporary Environmental Photography from the Museums Collection

The Hood Museum of Art presents Contemporary Environmental Photography from the museum’s Collection in an exhibition on view July 7 through August 26, 2012.

Daniel Beltra, Spanish, b. 1946 Alter Do Chao, Para (Brasil), from the Amazon Drought series October 2005 Epson Ultrachrome K3 pigment print on Hahnemuhle William Turner paper Purchased through the Adelbert Ames Jr. 1919 Fund; selected by Dartmouth College students who participated in the Hood Museum of Art winter 2009 seminar Museum Collecting 101: James Cart, Class of 2010, Michael Chen, Class of 2011, Bryan Chong, Class of 2009, Grace Dowd, Class of 2011, Georgina Emerson, Class of 2009, Amber Gott, Class of 2009, Anirudh Jangalapalli, Class of 2009, Elizabeth Klinger, Class of 2010, Alice Kogan, Class of 2009, Alyssa Lindsay, Class of 2012, Ryan Marnell, Class of 2010, Zachary Mason, Class of 2010, Kelly McGlinchey, Class of 2012, Sanja Miklin, Class of 2012, Caitlin Pierce, Class of 2009, Eleanor Stoltzfus, Class of 2010; 2009.30. © Daniel Beltrá

This exhibition showcases photography that goes beyond landscape to engage with issues of the earth and its environment. It features the work of Subhankar Banerjee, Virginia Beahan, Daniel Beltrá, Diane Burko, J. Henry Fair, Emmet Gowin, Patricia MacDonald, David Maisel, and Ian Teh, among others. Its themes include consumption and waste, industrial pollution, urban sprawl, unsustainable farming, and climate change and its effects on the Arctic.

This exhibition was organized by the Hood Museum of Art and generously supported by the Bernard R. Siskind 1955 Fund and the William Chase Grant 1919 Memorial Fund.

Hood Museum of Art
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755
[email protected]

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