Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum announces Red Burns as Design Patron

The Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum announced Red Burns as this year’s Design Patron, in recognition of her outstanding support and patronage within the design community. Unlike the other National Design Awards, which are selected by a jury of leading figures in design, the Design Patron Award winner is chosen by the museum. Burns is arts professor and chief collaborations officer for the Interactive Telecommunications Program at the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. She is being recognized for her role as founder of ITP and for her innovations and achievements in the field of communication technology. During the 1970s, as head of NYU’s Alternate Media Center, she designed and directed a series of telecommunications projects, including two-way television for and by senior citizens, telecommunications applications to serve the developmentally disabled and one of the first Teletext field trials in the United States (at WETA in Washington, D.C.). –

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