Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Dayton Art Institute opens You Are My Superhero

Dayton Art Institute presents You Are My Superhero an exhibition part of the Superhero Summer at the museum on view through September 23 2012.

You Are My Superhero includes animation art and memorabilia from the collection of Dr. Lawrence and Holley Thompson, original panels by Carmine Infantino, from the 1940s to 1960s, from Maverick’s Cards and Comics in Kettering, and classic comics from the Fairborn shop Bookery Fantasy. These, along with additional loans and one iconic piece from The Dayton Art Institute’s collection, will delineate Superhero variations, well known and obscure; superhero sidekicks; and superhero hallmarks and behaviors. Printed books, limited-edition prints, animation cels and sketches, figurines and action figures, toys and games will tell familiar stories and remind us of the iconic images that have bled into advertising and reflected current events.

The exhibition will also take a turn toward the contemporary, including the work of two artists who have incorporated superhero iconography within their bodies of work. We will feature the work of Michigan-based artist Mark Newport, who knits Superhero costumes and embroiders the covers of comic books, and we will mount a tribute to one of Dayton’s own Superheroes, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Mike Peters.

Dayton Art Institute
456 Belmonte Park North
Dayton, Ohio 45405
Phone: (937) 223-5277
[email protected]

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