Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Western Australia Announces New Museum in Perth

The Liberal-National Government will build a new $428.3million State museum in the Perth Cultural Centre, with $70.5million to be spent over the forward estimates.

Culture and the Arts Minister John Day said the new museum would be built on Francis Street, next to the current buildings and among the State’s flagship cultural organisations.

“This funding for a new museum is part of our commitment to transform Perth into a vibrant and modern capital city and it is fitting that we make this announcement on International Museums Day,” Mr Day said.

“Our current museum has served the State well for 120 years, however this new museum will provide contemporary spaces and better public access with state-of-the art facilities and strong links to the regions.

“Importantly, it will tell Western Australian stories with exhibitions and programs focusing on Being Western Australian, Being in Western Australia and Western Australia in the World.

“A well designed and operated museum adds enormously to the civic, cultural and educational life of a city and State which the WA Museum will be able to do so much more effectively following the redevelopment.

“The WA Museum is also a significant scientific research institution, particularly in the fields of natural sciences, anthropology, archaeology and history and has internationally regarded expertise in these areas.”

The Minister said significant planning had already been done, including a new strategic and business plan for the WA Museum, financial modelling and master planning.

“The size, design and form of the new museum will be determined at the design and development stage of the project and once the tender for the construction is awarded,” he said.

“Following this detailed design work and the release and awarding of tenders, forward work is anticipated to begin in 2015 followed by major construction in 2016, with completion planned for 2019-20.”

The WA Museum-Perth will continue to operate as normal while the new State Museum is constructed.