Collezione Maramotti presents Jules de Balincourt Parallel Universe, an exhibition on view 7 October 2012–27 January 2013.
Jules de Balincourt, Psychedelic Soldier, 2012. Photo: Joseph Desler
Costa. Courtesy the artist, Salon 94 and Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac
Parallel Universe is a body of work which Jules de Balincourt has realized specifically for Collezione Maramotti. As is often the case with de Balincourt, the five new paintings were all worked on at the same time, in the same studio, allowing them to gradually come into dialogue with one another as a direct result of his studio practice. The artist’s approach to his work is largely intuitive: preferring that the paintings evolve organically as he goes back and forth between them, and they take shape individually and as an ensemble.The paintings in Parallel Universe can thus be seen as forming a kind of loosely interlocked map, one that explores and charts the relationships between representation and abstraction, and the act of painting.
The exhibition is accompanied by an artist’s book, published by Silvana Editoriale, with a critical text by Mario Diacono and a conversation between Jules de Balincourt and Bob Nickas, an American critic who has taken an interest in the artist’s work for over ten years.
Collezione Maramotti
Via Fratelli Cervi 66
42124 Reggio Emilia, Italy
T +39 0522 382484
[email protected]