Daily Archives: October 21, 2012

10 posts

CRAC Alsace presents Coquilles Mecaniques exhibition

CRAC Alsace presents Coquilles Mecaniques, an exhibition on view October 7, 2012–January 13, 2013. With: Athanasios Argianas,Tauba Auerbach, Erica Baum, Lucas Blalock, Miriam Böhm, Carol Bove, Claude Cattelain, Tyler Coburn, John Divola, Simon Dybbroe Møller, […]

Middelheim Museum announce sudden death of Menno Meewis

With great sadness, the City of Antwerp, Museums & Heritage Antwerp and Middelheimmuseum notify you of the sudden death of Menno Meewis, director of the Middelheimmuseum. Menno Meewis, 58, passed away in Canada on 17 […]