Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Rockwell museum in Corning announces Appraisal Day on 5 November

Rockwell museum in Corning is to host an Appraisal Day on on Saturday, November 5, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eight experts from Heritage Auctions will travel to Corning from NYC to spend individual, one-on-one, time with attendees to determine their object (s) worth and insurance value. Heritage Auctions is the largest collectibles auctioneer and third largest auction house in the world.

Attendees will be able to bring in items from their personal collections to be evaluated by the experts in the following areas:

• American and Western Art
• Decorative Arts and Memorabilia
• American Coinage and Currency
• Sports Memorabilia
• Fine Art and Comics
• Americana
• Photography
• Silver and Decorative Arts
• Native American Art and Artifacts
• Jewelry and Silver

Read about the experts by visiting