B.P.S.22 space for contemporary creation presents Intranquillites Charif Benhelima, Mohamed El Baz, and mounir fatmi on view 6 October–16 December 2012.
Intranquillites: Charif Benhelima, Mohamed El Baz, mounir fatmi, 2012. Exhibition view. © Leslie Artamonow
Intranquillités… This title, borrowed from Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa, evokes a state of anxiety, restlessness, even insecurity. Yet the idea behind the title differs completely insofar as it represents a call for alertness, for keeping senses and sensibility awake. Curiosity (as a tool for emancipation), free speech and the quest for crosses’ origins drive this group exhibit. This attitude cultivated by these three artists falls perfectly within the framework of the cultural policy led by B.P.S.22 for the past twelve years.
The works of Charif Benhelima, Mohamed El Baz and mounir fatmi draw their motivation from the curiosity and the will to know and to understand the situations that we live and see every day in our globalized world. To reach their goal, the artists question and deconstruct the reality built by the media before transforming it to better understand it. Facing a world out of control, all three invite us to stand still and remain vigilant and constantly activate this unquiet curiosity that alone guarantees our conscience.
Through their works, these artists offer the audience an opportunity to speak freely, which sometimes proves unsettling, albeit free of pretences. This highly socio-political intent finds its expression in various forms of works: photographs, videos, installations, etc… that draw their sources in different cultures. The personal quest of these three Moroccan artists remains omnipresent and drove them to question the notions of identity, culture, nationality, frontiers, belonging, of Foreigner, of the Other.
For this exhibition at B.P.S.22, the option consists of presenting works by each artist and articulated around new, specific productions. Amongst the latter, Sleep Al Naim–For Salman Rushdie by mounir fatmi makes its world premiere. The whole makes a choreography inside which the works resonate.
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B.P.S.22 espace de création contemporaine de la Province de Hainaut, with the support of the Ministry for Culture of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, the Wallonia Region, the city of Charleroi, the Loterie Nationale, Charleroi Sud Hainaut and the Brasserie Duvel Moortgat.
Within the framework of DABA Maroc, citizen and artistic season in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, an initiative of Wallonie-Bruxelles International. With the support of the Ministry for Culture of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. In partnership with the Ministry of Culture of the Kingdom of Morroco.
Curators: Charles-Olivier Gohy and Pierre-Olivier Rollin
B.P.S.22 space for contemporary creation
Boulevard Solvay 22
6000 Charleroi, Belgium
Hours: Wednesday–Sunday 12–18h
T 00 32 71 27 29 71
F 00 32 71 27 29 70