Daily Archives: December 16, 2012

7 posts

Staatsgalerie Stuttgart presents The Studio exhibition

Staatsgalerie Stuttgart presents The Studio, an exhibition on view through Feb 10, 2013. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, “Bergatelier” (Studio in the Mountains), 1937, oil on canvas, Davos/Kirchner Museum There have been studio scenes in art since […]

Kunst­hal­le Düs­sel­dorf opens YIN Xi­uzhen exhibition

Kunst­hal­le Düs­sel­dorf in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on wi­th the Gro­nin­ger Mu­se­um, is pre­sen­ting the first ma­jor so­lo ex­hi­bi­ti­on in Eu­ro­pe de­vo­ted to the work of one of Chi­na’s most im­portant ar­tists, YIN Xi­uzhen (born 1963 in Pe­king, li­ves […]

Ceci n’est pas…Art Between France and Los Angeles

The Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States in collaboration with the Institut Francais, with the support of the Alliance Française of Los Angeles and the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, […]