Kunstmuseum Bern presents Itten and Klee. Cosmos Of Color, an exhibition on view through 01.04.2013.
Paul Klee, Legende vom Nil, 1937. Pastell auf Baumwolle, auf Kleisterfarbe, auf Jute, auf Keilrahmen, 69 x 61 cm. Hermann und Margrit Rupf-Stiftung, Kunstmuseum Bern
The exhibition will investigate the artistic confrontation between Johannes Itten and Paul Klee on the subject of color. In the process the show will explore related aspects such as color and esoteric notions, aura and harmony of color, color and abstraction, color and nature, and color division.
Johannes Itten and Paul Klee stand out in the history of 20th-century art for their significant contributions to color theory. Both artists were convinced that the order of colors was structured according to the set principles of a self-contained universe. New research has shown that both artists drew on mutual historical-intellectual sources and that they reciprocally influenced one another as well. Both developed their ideas on color over decades of reflection and work, and comprehensively applied them in their art.
The lives and careers of both Swiss artists converged at many points. For example, Paul Klee’s father was the first to inspire Itten in his artistic pursuits. Conversely, Klee’s appointment to work at the Bauhaus in Weimar was chiefly supported by Itten. Well-nigh simultaneously in 1914/1915, both artists began their lifelong investigation and study of color theory as well as the structures inherent in the universe of color. In the case of Klee it was during a trip to Tunis, while Itten’s interest was sparked off by Adolf Hölzel’s color theory in Stuttgart. Over many years, both artists took an interest in each other’s art and also exchanged artworks.
An exhibition by the Kunstmuseums Bern and the Martin-Gropius-Baus Berlin.The exhibition is to see in the Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin from April 25th to July 29th 2013. – www.kunstmuseumbern.ch