The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (CBMM) in St. Michaels, MD begins a new “This Old Chesapeake House” speaker series on January 17, with two more sessions scheduled for January 31 and February 5. Bay lighthouses, vanishing landscapes, and historical restoration are subjects for this three-part series. The public is invited, with advanced registration needed.
Old Chesapeake House Providence Farm
Old houses are part of the character of the Chesapeake landscape and remind us of the role of the past in our day-to-day lives. These three sessions explore the intimate history, painstaking restoration, and ongoing preservation efforts of old houses, large and small, public and private, from throughout the Chesapeake Bay region.
On Thursday, January 17 from 10-11:30am, join Anne Arundel County’s Cultural Resource Planner Jane Cox as she discusses her career preserving some of the Chesapeake’s most iconic lighthouses, including her current efforts as a private owner to restore the Baltimore Lighthouse.
From 10-11:30am on Thursday, January 31, author and photographer Shirley Hampton Hunt will explore the process of writing and photographing images for her book, The Vanishing Landscapes, which documents the history and collapse of abandoned houses on the Eastern Shore, their relationship to a changing environment, and the people balancing the legacy of the past with the promise of the future.
The last session is on Tuesday, February 5 from 1-2:30pm and brings Preservation Maryland’s Elizabeth Beckley to discuss her career as a historical restorer, old house aficionado, owner, and preservationist. With a professional and personal life spent in, on, and under old Chesapeake houses, Beckley’s talk will be illustrated by the lively stories and photos of her restoration adventures.
The cost for individual sessions is $6 for CBMM members and $8 for non-members, or you can register for all three sessions at $15 for CBMM members and $20 for non-members by calling Helen Van Fleet at 410-745-4941. For more information, visit or call 410-745-2916.