Yorkshire Sculpture Park presents James Capper. Divisions, an exhibition on view 5 January – 14 April 2013.
Featuring three large-scale walking sculptures in the landscape and models, drawings and films in the Bothy Gallery, this project is a timely showcase of the artist’s career to date and shows the evolution of his practice and fascinating exploration of the potential and aesthetics of the machine.
Open air work comprises three of Capper’s earth marking sculptures: Midi Marker (2012), a vibrant yellow machine with claw-like feet which imprints on the landscape; gigantic, forklift-like engine Exstenda Claw (2012); and Tread Toe (2010), a large-scale moving sculpture, self-powered by a hydraulic foot which moves forward in a slow stepping motion. The exhibition includes work from each of Capper’s divisions: Earth Marking, Offshore and Material Handling, which reference the monumental scale and earth interventions of 1970s Land Art, such as Spiral Jetty (1970) by Robert Smithson. Smithson used a JCB to move black basalt rocks and earth in Utah’s Great Salt Lake creating a 1,500 feet-long coil that stretches out into water made red by the microorganisms that thrive in its highly saline environment.
Throughout the duration of the exhibition, Capper will test the possibilities of his open air sculptures and on 13, 20, and 27 January and 3 February 2013 will demonstrate his moving sculptures to the public. A programme of associated events accompanies the exhibition and related merchandise is available. – www.ysp.co.uk