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Columbus Museum presents Growing Up in the Valley. Stories of Childhood

Columbus Museum presents Growing Up in the Valley. Stories of Childhood from the Permanent Collection, an exhibition on view through March 3, 2013.

The Columbus Museum

Frontier exploration and settlement, war, roaring mills, and a growing Army post – the Chattahoochee Valley has seen a full range of life-changing and society-altering events throughout its history. The sons and daughters who grew up in this region became adults while navigating a tricky landscape of shifting expectations, as both their surroundings and the idea of childhood itself changed dramatically. This exhibition examines the experiences of the Valley’s youngest residents in times of laughter and tears. Drawing exclusively from the Museum’s permanent collection, historic toys, children’s clothing, photographs, school memorabilia, and other artifacts illuminate the experiences of growing up in the Columbus area for generations of residents.

This exhibition is made possible by the generous funding from Molly and Claude Scarbrough. –

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