Morris Museum presents Immortal Structures. Here & There After an exhibition on view through March 31, 2013.
Featuring the contemporary realist paintings of New Jersey artist Maria Mijares, this exhibition spans thirty years and the Atlantic Ocean, exploring the artist’s journeys from New York to Spain. Dense in intention, content and style, the two simultaneous series unintentionally contrast how two distinct cultures regard their structures.
A private, nonprofit corporation, the Morris Museum’s mission is to elevate the cultural consciousness, excite the mind and enhance the quality of life by advancing the understanding and enjoyment of the visual and performing arts, natural and physical sciences and humanities through exhibitions, performances and educational programs in a welcoming, inclusive and creative environment that responsibly uses all museum resources, including stewardship of a permanent collection.
Related Program:
Artist’s Gallery Talk, March 9th 2:30 Members $10; Non Members $14