Oceans is an artwork by Tania Kovats that collects together water from all the world’s oceans and seas, gathered with the help of a global network of people drawn in by the idea of bringing all the waters of the world to one place. The project will use social media and word of mouth to connect with people from all over the world, and ask them to collect water and send it to The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh, where it will be turned into a sculpture by Tania Kovats and shown in an exhibition in March 2014.
Tania Kovats, Oceans – Salton Sea, 2013.
Tania Kovats and The Fruitmarket Gallery are asking people to collect seawater in a bottle, label it with the name of the sea and their contact details and send it in. As an acknowledgement, all the participants’ names will become part of the work with their sea in the exhibition.
To take part, all you need to do is fill a plastic bottle of seawater, label it with your name and the name of the sea, package it up and send it to The Fruitmarket Gallery, 45 Market Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1DF, Scotland. If you’d like, you can also take a photograph of the sea and upload it to the Tania Kovats Oceans website or Facebook or Twitter or all three. Water must be delivered to The Fruitmarket Gallery by 15 December 2013.
A list of the oceans and seas can be found below and on Tania Kovats Oceans website www.tania-kovats-oceans.com with an interactive map showing the location.
The Oceans and Seas
Arctic Ocean
Barents Sea, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, East Siberian Sea, Greenland Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, Norwegian Sea, Pechora Sea, White Sea
Atlantic Ocean
Alands Hav Sea, Baltic Sea, Bothnian Sea, Caribbean Sea, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea, Labrador Sea, Cantabrian Sea, Iroise Sea, North Sea, Sargasso Sea, Scotia Sea, Sea of the Hebrides
Indian Ocean
Andaman Sea, Arabian Sea, Laccadive Sea, Lakshadweep Sea, Red Sea, Savu Sea, Timor Sea
Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea, Balearic Sea, Black Sea, Catalan Sea, Ionian Sea, Levantine Sea, Ligurian Sea, Mirtoan Sea, Sea of Azov, Sea of Crete, Sea of Marmara, Sea of Sardinia, Thracian Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea
Pacific Ocean
Arafura Sea, Bali Sea, Banda Sea, Bering Sea, Bismarck Sea, Bohai, Bohol Sea, Camotes Sea, Celebes Sea, Ceram Sea, Coral Sea, East China Sea, Flores Sea, Halmahera Sea, Java Sea, Koro Sea, Molucca Sea, Philippine Sea, Salish Sea, Samar Sea, Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, Sibuyan Sea, Solomon Sea, South China Sea, Sulu Sea, Tasman Sea, Visayan Sea, Yellow Sea
Southern Ocean
Amundsen Sea, Bellingshausen Sea, Davis Sea, Dumont d’Urville Sea, King Haakon VII Sea, Ross Sea, Weddell Sea
Land Locked Seas
Aral Sea, Caspian Sea, Dead Sea, Salton Sea, Sea of Galilee
Tania Kovats
Tania Kovats is a British artist whose practice encompasses sculpture, installation and large–scale time-based projects exploring our experience and understanding of landscape; drawing and paying attention to others’ drawings; writing, grouping and gathering things together. Recent major projects have included Meadow, a transported wildflower meadow; The Museum of the White Horse, a travelling landscape museum; Tree, a permanent installation for the Natural History Museum; British Isles and All the Islands of All the Oceans, two series of drawings; and The Drawing Book – a survey of drawing: the primary means of expression. In May 2012 a new, large-scale sculpture, Rivers, was installed in the landscape of Jupiter Artland outside Edinburgh.
In March 2014 Kovats’s major new commission, Oceans, will be shown as part of an exhibition at The Fruitmarket Gallery in Edinburgh.
The Fruitmarket Gallery
The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh is a publicly funded contemporary art gallery of national and international significance, and is Scotland’s leading contemporary art space. The Gallery’s principal aim is to make contemporary art accessible without compromising art or underestimating audiences, and it presents world-class, thought-provoking and challenging exhibitions of contemporary art made by both Scottish and international artists in an environment that is welcoming, engaging, informative and always free.
The Fruitmarket Gallery
45 Market Street
Edinburgh EH1 1DF
[email protected]