The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History is proud to announce the exhibit, News to History: Photojournalism and the Presidency. The exhibit, on display at the newly renovated LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, Texas, will run until October 1, 2013.
Showcasing the Briscoe Center’s unparalleled photographic collections, News to History highlights the thirteen presidential administrations from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Barack Obama. The exhibit features the iconic images that captured the interaction of each president with their era.
“Historians use a wide variety of sources to interpret the past, but the still photographs shot by photojournalists are among the most compelling sources we have for documenting and understanding our history,” said Don Carleton, executive director of the Briscoe Center. “The photographs we are displaying in News to History are an outstanding example of the value of this resource for teaching and research.”
“We are delighted to partner with the Briscoe Center in providing our visitors with a riveting journey through 80 years of Presidential administrations,” said Mark Updegrove, director of the LBJ Presidential Library.
Since 1992, the Center has conducted an ambitious program to collect and preserve the historically valuable imagery produced by photojournalists. The photographers whose work is displayed in News to History have placed their archives with the Briscoe Center. Today, the Briscoe Center preserves the largest single collection of photographs of the U.S. presidency outside of Washington, D.C.
In addition to photographic holdings (such as slides, negatives, prints, and tear sheets), the photojournalism collections comprise such archival materials as personal papers, correspondence, diaries, news stories, and three-dimensional artifacts. The combination of these materials provides researchers with remarkable primary source evidence for interpreting history. The Briscoe Center is an organized research unit of the University of Texas at Austin.