Peoria Riverfront Museum presents Ansel Adams: Western Exposure an exhibition on view from April 13. The exhibition encompasses more than 120 photos by Adams, some of which have rarely, if ever, have been shown publicly. Also included are drawings, camera equipment and personal items that belonged to the photographer. Ansel Adams is considered one of the most renowned photographers of the twentieth century, best known for his black-and-white photos of the American West.
Peoria Riverfront Museum is the only venue in the Midwest to display Ansel Adams: Western Exposure. The exhibition is curated by Adams’ daughter-in-law, Jeanne Adams. Jeanne and her husband, Michael Adams, son of the photographer, have lived in Adams’ Carmel Heights, CA. studio for more than twenty years. Together, Jeanne and Michael have meticulously gone through the Adam’s photos and archives to create this unique exhibition.
Ansel Adams: Western Exposure aligns with the museum’s multiple disciplines: art, history, science and achievement. The exhibit will be on display in Peoria Riverfront Museum until September 22, 2013.
In 2006, a different Adams collection, owned by his daughter Anne Adams Helms, was exhibited at Lakeview Museum. The exhibit was heavily attended, drawing visitors locally and regionally.