Centre Culturel Suisse de Paris presents Uriel Orlow, Unmade Film on view 3 May–14 July 2013.
Uriel Orlow (born in Zurich; lives in London) makes modular multi-media installations that explore forms of haunting and bring different image regimes and narrative modes into correspondence. Unmade Film is an impossible film, fragmented into its constituent parts; a roaming, expansive collection of audio-visual works that point to the structure of a film but never fully become one. Unmade Film takes as its starting point the mental hospital Kfar Shau’l in Jerusalem. Initially specialising in the treatment of Holocaust victims—including a relative of the artist—it was established in 1951 using the remains of the Palestinian village Deir Yassin, which was depopulated in a massacre by Zionist paramilitaries in April 1948.
Upon the horrific realization that Kfar Sha’ul is in fact Deir Yassin, Orlow set out on a journey to probe the meaning of one painful event in history obliterating an other, in a context of historical intimacy between both… Orlow’s Unmade Film reconstructs a narrative of space, time and historical blind-spots that adds layers of unsettled new meaning to questions of subconscious pain, trauma and suffering in the contexts of obliterated geo-histories.
—Hanan Toukan
A modular publication by Edition Fink accompanies Uriel Orlow’s exhibitions at Al-Ma’mal Foundation for Contemporary Art in Jerusalem, Centre culturel suisse in Paris and Les Complices* in Zurich.
Tuesday 7 May at 8pm, a conference with Laure Murat (historian specialised in the history of psychiatry) and Erik Bullot (filmmaker and theorist), followed by a conversation with the artist.
Centre culturel Suisse, Paris
38 rue des Francs-Bourgeois
75003 Paris, France
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 1–7pm
Free entrance
T + 33 1 42 71 95 70
[email protected]