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Albin Polasek Museum and Sculpture Gardens announces The Holy Art of Impe­r­ial Rus­sia: Icons from the 17th C. –Early 20th C.

Albin Polasek Museum and Sculpture Gardens presents The Holy Art of Impe­r­ial Rus­sia: Icons from the 17th C. –Early 20th C. an exhibition on view Novem­ber 5, 2013– April 13, 2014 .

This intro­spec­tive exhibit fea­tures a sam­pling of large-scale oil paint­ings cre­ated by con­tem­po­rary artist Ursula Schwartz. Born in Nel­spruit, South Africa, she expresses her unique South African per­spec­tive through bold col­ors, enteric brush strokes, and inti­mate por­traits and fig­u­ra­tive work. Poetry writ­ten by the artist and her young son will accom­pany each paint­ing. Schwartz’s paint­ings reflect the com­plex nature of mod­ern fem­i­nin­ity, and por­tray an ele­gant jux­ta­po­si­tion of power and vul­ner­a­bil­ity. Her work has been exhib­ited, sold, and col­lected in South Africa, Europe, and the