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Festival of Regions 2013: Digging Up

The 2013 Festival of Regions researches and cultivates Austria’s third oldest town, Eferding. Under the motto Digging Up, a dense and multifaceted program of 38 contemporary art and culture projects along with 110 and events will be presented. Almost 600 persons will be involved in the projects. Open 7–16 June 2013.

All the themes, motifs and interventions will relate to history and stories, to social relations and structures in the region. Unusual perspectives on normality will be evoked and a nutritious soil prepared for new artistic plantings, including rare plants and hybrid mutations.

Festival of Regions
The Festival of Regions has been exploring regions in Upper Austria every two years since 1993. Far from the metropolises and cultural centres, a program with contemporary art and culture is designed and communicated to all the residents of a chosen region. Apart from regional, national and international participation by creative artistic and cultural agents, collaboration with local associations, institutions and individuals is sought to anchor the festival in the area and so leave behind traces that are as deep and distinct as can be.

Peter Ablinger, Elfi Aichinger, Alien Productions, Peter Arlt, Miriam Bajtala, Klaus Buttinger, Christoph Cech, Collective ika, dorf tv., EF.K.K., Siegfried Fruhauf, Gemüseorchester, Margit Greinöcker, Gymnasium Dachsberg, Julius Deutschbauer, Cordula Hanisch, Christian Hasucha, Bodo Hell, Christoph Herndler, Ana Hušman, David Jagerhofer, Karl Heinz Jeron, Rudolf Jungwirth, Wolfram P. Kastner, Matthias Klos, Alexander Koller, Lisa Kortschak, Anna Katharina Laggner, Tanja Lažetić, Nelly LiPuma, Medienwerkstatt Linz, Dominika Meindl, Sigrid Meindl, Laura Mello, René Monet, Wolfgang Musil, Helmut Neundlinger, NMS Eferding Nord, New York City Players, Georg Nussbaumer, Stephan Pirker, Sabine Pollak, Bernd Preinfalk, Rabtaldirndln, Radio FRO, Nika Radić, Alfred Reitinger, Gerald Resch, Markus Roithner, Christian Scheib, Georg Schobert, Didi Sommer, Hannes Stelzhamer, students at the Kunstuniversität Linz Architecture/Urban Studies, Balduin Sulzer, Karo Szmit, Teatr Cinema, Barbara Ungepflegt, Wolf Vostell, Christoph Weidinger, Erwin Wurm, and many others involved in projects.

Opening: Friday 7 June, 3pm, Bräuhaus Eferding
Followed by opening of the installations, exhibitions and performances
Various locations
Eferding, Austria
[email protected]