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Independent Curators International (ICI) announce Curatorial Intensive in Toyko

Independent Curators International (ICI) announce Curatorial Intensive in Toyko on October 27–November 2, 2013.

Developed by Independent Curators International (ICI) in collaboration with the Mori Art Museum, the Curatorial Intensive: What Does it Mean to be International? will examine the current state of the Asian contemporary art scene within the larger global context. The program will explore the idea of internationality and interrelations among Asian countries, asking whether the new economic and political landscapes of the region are generating competition between cities and countries, or rather a framework for mutual cultural understanding. Aiming to spark an enriching dialogue about different forms of modernity and interconnectivity, this program will ask how curators and institutions are envisioning their role in a rapidly changing environment.

Seminars, site visits, individual meetings, and roundtable discussions will be led by a group of international professionals that includes Cosmin Costinas (Executive Director, Para/Site Art Space, Hong Kong), Patrick D. Flores (Curator, Vargas Museum, Manila, and Adjunct Curator, National Art Gallery, Singapore), Kate Fowle (Chief Curator, Garage Center for Contemporary Culture, Moscow, and Director-at-Large, ICI), Hou Hanru (Curator, 5th Auckland Triennial), Michiyo Hayashi (Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sophia University, Tokyo), Mami Kataoka (Chief Curator, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo), and Dr. Sook-Kyung Lee (Research Curator, Tate Research Centre: Asia-Pacific, London), among others.

Application Guidelines
12–14 applicants working internationally will be selected to participate in the Curatorial Intensive. The applicant must have 3+ years of curatorial experience. All applications must include a 500-word description of an exhibition idea that the applicant would like help in developing. This description should outline the proposal concept and any artists that the applicant is considering. Also required are a current 250-word bio, a 500-word letter of intent, and a 300-word text that describes a recent curatorial project that has made an impact on the applicant. To apply, and for full application guidelines, visit ICI’s website.

Fees and Scholarships
The program fee is 1,900 USD. Participants are also responsible for covering travel and accommodation expenses. Scholarship packages that subsidize or eliminate the program fees, accommodation and travel expenses are available and awarded based on merit. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please include a letter of motivation with your application. The Wu ZuoRen Curators Fund generously supports program fee scholarships for Chinese nationals. Scholarships for Turkish nationals will be supported by SAHA. Brazilian curators under the age of 35, living and working in Brazil, can apply for a scholarship that covers the program fee.

Application deadline: August 14, 2013