The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (CBMM) in St. Michaels, MD is offering a Hunter Safety Course on Wednesday, November 20 through Saturday, November 23 with Maryland DNR-certified hunter safety instructor Ed Henry. Successful completion of the course earns participants a Maryland Certificate of Competency in Firearms and Hunter Safety. Space is limited, with pre-registration needed.
To purchase a hunting license or to hunt in Maryland, state law requires a Certificate of Competency in Firearms and Hunter Safety for junior licensees. Additionally, persons under the age of 18 hunting on family property when a license is not required must have a Certificate of Competency in Firearms and Hunter Safety.
The course includes instruction in hunter responsibility, firearms and ammunition, firearm handling and safety, marksmanship and shooting fundamentals, principles of wildlife management, bow hunting, muzzleloader hunting, tree stand safety, first aid, water safety, and Maryland’s legal requirements. Firearms will be provided.
The course runs from 6-9pm Wednesday through Friday, November 20- 22 in CBMM’s Van Lennep Auditorium and from 9am to noon on Saturday, November 23 at an off-site location. The cost is $10 per person for the entire course. Participants must complete all four classes to receive the state-issued Certificate of Competency in Firearms and Hunter Safety. Participants under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.
Pre-registration is required by calling 410-745-4941. For more information, visit