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Asian Civilisations Museum presents Devotion & Desire: Cross-Cultural Art in Asia

The Asian Civilisations Museum presents Devotion & Desire: Cross-Cultural Art in Asia, New Acquisitions of the Asian Civilisations Museum an exhibition on view 08 Dec 2013.

Themes of the exhibition include the importance of trade, transmission of religions, courtly art, and colonial networks. For thousands of years, the cultures of Asia have traded, interacted, and exchanged ideas. This exhibition focuses on the artistic results of these contacts. The objects show how religions moved from region to region, how special objects were eagerly sought in lands far away, and how new works of art were created by the blending of different traditions.

Acquired through various means, including gifts from individuals, donated funds, and government funds, the objects on display enrich the heritage of Singapore. Government funds provided amounted to under $15 million. The exhibition was put together by the Asian Civilisations Museum’s curatorial team lead by Mr Clement Onn, Curator for cross-cultural art.