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Neues Museum presents Function / Dysfunction. Contemporary Art from Glasgow

Neues Museum – State Museum for Art and Design in Nuremberg presents Function / Dysfunction. Contemporary Art from Glasgow on view 9 February 2014.

Claire Barclay, Unbound, 2013. Mixed media installation, ca. 400 x 275 x 360 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Stephen Friedman Gallery, London. Photo: Neues Museum (Annette Kradisch).
Claire Barclay, Unbound, 2013. Mixed media installation, ca. 400 x 275 x 360 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Stephen Friedman Gallery, London. Photo: Neues Museum (Annette Kradisch).

The idea of portraying dynamic centres of contemporary art led to the development of the exhibition Function / Dysfunction. Contemporary Art from Glasgow. It features six artists who live and work in Scotland’s largest city, which has emerged as a vibrant and influential art hub in the period since 1990. Organised as part of the /prospekt/ series, the exhibition presents works created specifically for the facade spaces of the Neues Museum. As the installations are visible through the building’s curved glass front, they also have a strong impact on the urban surroundings.

The title of the exhibition refers to the overarching theme that informed the selection of artists. Consistent with its location in a museum of both art and design, the show not only portrays aspects of the Glaswegian art landscape but also highlights an international trend for contemporary art to draw upon or incorporate design elements and applied forms of art, either by referencing design objects, integrating utilitarian items, working with industrially produced materials or employing craft-based or artisanal techniques.

The careers and backgrounds of the six chosen artists reflect Glasgow’s evolution into an established art centre. Three of them—Martin Boyce, Claire Barclay and Mary Redmond—were born in the city or the surrounding area, while Nick Evans, Ciara Phillips and Nicolas Party belong to a slightly younger generation who came to Glasgow to study in the 1990s and 2000s. All six artists have created impressive, context-based installations that can now be experienced at first hand in the Neues Museum.

Curator of the exhibition: Melitta Kliege

Neues Museum
Staatliches Museum für Kunst und Design in Nürnberg
90402 Nürnberg
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 10am–6pm,
Thursday 10am–8pm
T +49 (0)911 24020 0
F +49 (0)911 24020 29