The National Maritime Museum in Greenwich presents Turner and the Sea an exhibition on view 22 November 2013–21 April 2014. This landmark exhibition celebrates his lifelong fascination with the sea, bringing together an outstanding collection […]
Daily Archives: November 25, 2013
Turner Construction Company and the National Building Museum are pleased to announce the selection of the Lean Construction Institute as the recipient of the 2013 Turner Prize. The Prize, established in honor of the company’s […]
Take a break from the ordinary and bring your little one with you. Moms, dads, and caregivers of stroller-bound babies are welcomed for special “before hours” tours of our dynamic exhibition Eye to I… 3,000 […]
Overgaden Institute of Contemporary Art presents REVISIT Kirsten Justesen Ice Script – Meltingtime #17 on view 16 November–25 December 2013. The exhibition focuses on Justesen’s long-term, in-depth work with ice as a material. REVISIT is […]
New York, NY – The Hip Hop Hall of Fame secures Charter and is designated official Museum & Educational Institution. “We’re excited and appreciate our real estate development team’s work securing our $75M Midtown Manhattan […]
Biennales today have been thrust into a fierce competition for survival in the complicated ecosystem of contemporary art, where diverse species multiply at a rapid clip. Cities around the world cite as a rationale for […]