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kestnergesellschaft Exhibition program 2014/2015

Pool | Art from London
April 4–July 6
Curators: Heinrich Dietz, Antonia Lotz

In five interlocking solo presentations, the group exhibition Pool presents works by Aaron Angell (b. 1987), Alice Channer (b. 1977), Nicolas Deshayes (b. 1983), Magali Reus (b. 1981) and Cally Spooner (b. 1983). The exhibition allows a comprehensive insight into the work of these five London-based artists of international origin for the first time in Germany, and introduces a generation that directs its attention to the various features of our digitalized present.

Photo: Ulrich Prigge. kestnergesellschaft, 2014.
Photo: Ulrich Prigge. kestnergesellschaft, 2014.
Some of the groups of works and installations, which were specially created for Pool, are responsive to the exhibition situation of the kestnergesellschaft in the former Goseriede swimming pool. The presentation opens with Aaron Angell’s Gallery Peacetime: an aquarium occupied by three axolotls in which the artist will curate solo exhibitions with London-based artists: Isabel Mallet (b. 1989), Allison Katz (b. 1980), Esme Toler (b. 1989) and Aaron Angell himself.

Andreas Gursky | Neo Rauch | Jeff Wall
July 25–October 26

Three of today’s most important artists will meet for the first time at the kestnergesellschaft: Andreas Gursky (b. 1955), Neo Rauch (b. 1960) and Jeff Wall (b. 1946) continue in the tradition of representational pictures and make the means of painting newly accessible through their own individual approaches. Cross connections in their work sparked the idea to view recent productions of the three artists in this extraordinary combination, including large-scale photographs, drawings and sculpture.

Dana Schutz
July 25–October 26
Curator: Susanne Figner

At first glance, Dana Schutz’s (b. 1976 in Livonia, MI, USA) pictures appear figurative, although this categorization is simultaneously the crux of her painting. The artist, who lives in New York, challenges familiar notions of figures and poses the fundamental question of where abstraction begins and figuration ends. She paints unimaginable things realistically, presents figures that devour themselves or half-human beings set in a traditional outdoor scene.

Heimo Zobernig
November 21, 2014–March 1, 2015
Curator: Heinrich Dietz
In collaboration with MUDAM Luxembourg

Heimo Zobernig (b. 1958 in Mauthen, Austria) occupies a central position in contemporary art with his diverse, genre-spanning work. The artist, who lives in Vienna, works with painting, sculpture, architecture, graphic and furniture design, video, performance and music. He often uses everyday materials such as cardboard, styrofoam, pressboard, linen and fluorescent lights to create his objects and spatial interventions. The unpretentious material, coupled with a simple, geometric use of forms, contributes to the soberly pragmatic impression. His work focuses on forms of abstraction, the possibility of painting and sculpture, as well as questions about presentation or the relationship between functionality and autonomy. Zobernig’s approach is marked by a skeptical optimism toward the legacy of modernism, but also by an unbroken curiosity, experimentalism and a dry humor.

Jochen Plogsties
November 21, 2014–March 1, 2015
Curator: Veit Görner

Jochen Plogsties (b. 1974 in Cochem, Germany) paints reproductions of existing reproductions of other famous artworks. His models range from masterpieces of European art history from around 1500 to covers of magazines and records as well as key works of contemporary photography. Through his wide range of motifs, Plogsties’ conceptual notion of painting becomes clear. Jochen Plogsties studied painting at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig. He recently studied under Neo Rauch and received the art prize from the Leipziger Volkszeitung in 2011. The kestnergesellschaft will show an overview of his paintings as well as newest works.

About kestnergesellschaft
The kestnergesellschaft, located in the center of Hanover, is one of the largest and most renowned art associations (‘Kunstverein’) for contemporary art in Germany. Since its foundation in 1916, the mission remains to present important international artists with their latest works. All exhibitions at the kestnergesellschaft are accompanied by catalogues, edition artworks and a comprehensive art mediation program, as well as concerts, lectures and interactive cultural events.

For further information:

Goseriede 11
30159 Hanover
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 11–18h,
Thursday 11–20h
T +49 511 70120 10
[email protected]