Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Artful Afternoon: Art is 100

Salt Lake City – The Utah Museum of Fine Arts (UMFA) invites families to celebrate 100 years of collecting art at the University of Utah with Artful Afternoon: Art is 100, the Museum’s family-friendly art-making festival, from 1 to 4 pm on Saturday, July 19. All ages and abilities are welcome, and attendees are admitted free into all activities and Museum galleries.

Pieter Brueghel the Younger, Dance Around the Maypole, ca 1625-1630, oil on canvas. Gift of Val A. Browning.
Pieter Brueghel the Younger, Dance Around the Maypole, ca 1625-1630, oil on canvas. Gift of Val A. Browning.
“This Artful Afternoon is a great opportunity to really look at the amazing masterpieces that the museum has been collecting for the past 100 years,” said Virginia Catherall, UMFA’s curator of education. “Try your hand at making your own masterpiece! It is a wonderful experience to create art, whether you are a first-timer or an expert.”

Activities will be held inside the Marcia and John Price Museum Building and outdoors on the patio, including fingerprint art, dress-up photos, chalk drawing, a “100 things” treasure hunt in the galleries, outdoor games, a community portrait mural, and a community story. The celebration will also feature story time in the Museum store at 2 and 3 pm, film showings in the Katherine W. and Ezekiel R. Dumke Jr. Auditorium at 1 and 2:30 pm, and highlights of the collection tours starting every half-hour.
The program is part of the Museum’s yearlong Art is 100 celebration. Thanks to the vision and dedication of many art lovers and leaders on campus and in the community, a small campus art gallery that opened in 1914 is now the premier fine arts institution in the Intermountain West. The UMFA, the official art museum of both the University and the state of Utah, is a vibrant cultural hub connecting campus and community with global art and ideas.

Artful Afternoon, the Museum’s twice-yearly family art celebration, is one of many UMFA educational programs meant to enrich the lives of children and adults in our community and across our state. This Artful Afternoon is made possible with funding from Salt Lake County Zoo, Arts and Parks (ZAP) and eBay.

The Museum, located on the South Campus of the University of Utah, is easily accessible by car from Foothill Drive—free parking will be available adjacent to the Museum—and by Trax. The UMFA is located only a short walk northwest of the South Campus Drive stop on the University (red) line. For more information, please visit