Museum PR Announcements News and Information

CBMM offers Miles River cruise with the riverkeeper July 17

On Thursday, July 17 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (CBMM) in St. Michaels, MD invites the public to join the Midshore Riverkeeper® Conservancy’s (MRC) Drew Koslow aboard CBMM’s authentic buyboat, Winnie Estelle, for an up-close and personal exploration of the Miles River’s unique habitat and ecology.

Winnie Estelle
Winnie Estelle
Participants learn how to monitor and test the water quality of the river, explore the critters on an oyster reef, and discover the Miles River through the eyes of a riverkeeper.

MRC’s riverkeepers patrol local rivers by water and air, serving as guardians for these living resources. MRC is a non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration and protection of the waterways that comprise the Choptank River watershed, Eastern Bay, and the Miles and Wye Rivers.

Families with children are encouraged to participate, with pre-registration required, as space is limited. The cost to participate is $15 for CBMM members, or $20 for non-members. Pre-register by contacting 410-745-4941, or for more information visit