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Utah Museum of Fine Arts September 2014 Events and Exhibitions


Highlights of the Collection Tour
First Wednesday of every month | 6:30 pm

Saturdays and Sundays | 1:30 pm
FREE with general Museum admission
Experience the UMFA galleries through a thirty-minute tour with a docent. No pre-registration necessary.

Chamber Music Series
Wednesday, September 10 | 7 pm | FREE
Experience the harmonious convergence of music and art as students from the University of Utah School of Music perform an original opera in the galleries of the UMFA. In this special addition to our Chamber Music Series, University of Utah School of Music soprano Olivia Custodio will perform the short opera La voix humaine, by Francis Poulenc, with Jed Moss accompanying on piano. The story follows a woman as she speaks on the telephone with her (invisible and inaudible) departing lover, who is leaving her to marry another woman. The telephone proved to be the perfect prop for librettist Jean Cocteau to explore his ideas, feelings, and “algebra” concerning human needs and realities in communication. Directed by Lucas Goodrich.

salt 10: Conrad Bakker | Artist and Curator in Conversation
Thursday, September 11 | FREE
Exhibition Preview | 4 pm
Artist and Curator in Conversation | 5 pm
Reception | 6 pm

Creation and Erasure Presentation | Matthew Coolidge, Center for Land Use Interpretation
Friday, September 19 | 5 pm | FREE
Matthew Coolidge, director of the Los Angeles-based Center for Land Use Interpretation (CLUI), will talk about the Bingham Pit and its significance in the perceptual arena of the American landscape. The presentation will be heavily illustrated with images and video. Two CLUI photographs of the 2013 Bingham Canyon Mine landslide are part of Creation and Erasure: Art of the Bingham Canyon Mine, on view through September 28.

Third Saturday for Families: Wood Sculptures
Saturday, September 20 | 1–4 pm | FREE
Explore our new salt exhibition featuring contemporary artist Conrad Bakker, who makes wood sculptures of everyday objects. Be inspired by Bakker and paint your own extraordinary wood sculpture of an ordinary object.

Fall Film Series: Creativity in Focus
Wednesday, September 24 | 7 pm | FREE
Co-presented with the Utah Film Center. Additional support provided by CUAC and Modern West Fine Art.

92 min | 2013 | Canada | Rated PG
Directed by Jennifer Baichwal and Edward Burtynsky
Screens in English and Mandarin, Bengali, Hindi, and Spanish with English subtitles

This feature documentary from multiple-award winning filmmakers Jennifer Baichwal and Nick de Pencier, and renowned photographer Edward Burtynsky, marks their second collaboration after Manufactured Landscapes (2006). Watermark brings together diverse stories from around the globe about our relationship with water: how we are drawn to it, what we learn from it, how we use it, and the consequences of that use.


salt 10: Conrad Bakker
OPENING September 12
Conrad Bakker makes imprecise, to-scale replicas of objects like books, photographs, chairs, and motorcycles out of wood and paint to investigate the creation of value and economic systems. Often inserting his handmade facsimiles into the commercial realms of their real commodity counterparts, Bakker circumvents the art market, challenges postmodern perceptions of authorship and authenticity, and questions the distinction between originality and appropriation.

Moksha: Photography by Fazal Sheikh
On view through November 30, 2014
Moksha: Photography by Fazal Sheikh weaves together the artist-activist’s portraits and the stories of a community of widows in the Hindu pilgrimage site of Vrindavan. A marginalized segment of Hindu society since ancient times, widows, many of them dispossessed of home and family, have few places of sanctuary. In Vrindavan, a city holy to the Hindu god Krishna, these women chant and pray every day in the hopes of obtaining moksha, release from the constant cycle of death and rebirth. The exhibition, comprising forty photographs by Sheikh, is on loan from the Princeton Museum of Art.

Fazal Sheikh has worked as a photographer since graduating from Princeton University in 1987. Primarily through portraits, he brings attention to marginalized peoples and groups around the world. His other projects include Ladli, A Camel for the Son, and Ramadan Moon. He has won numerous awards including the Henri Cartier-Bresson International Grand Prize and a MacArthur Fellowship.

Krishna: Lord of Vrindavan

On view through November 30, 2014

A companion exhibition to Moksha: Photography by Fazal Sheikh, Krishna: Lord of Vrindavan explores the Hindu god Krishna through sacred and secular artworks, dating from the 11th century to the 20th, from the Museum’s Asian art collection. Krishna promised followers that through bhakti (devotion) to him, one could gain moksha (salvation). The exhibition will be presented in the Museum’s Emma Eccles Jones Education Gallery.

Creation and Erasure: Art of the Bingham Canyon Mine

On view through September 28, 2014

Northern Utah’s Bingham Canyon Mine, the largest man-made excavation on earth, has been a source of fascination and inspiration for artists around the country since the mine’s earliest days. Spanning 1873 to the present, this exhibition presents paintings, drawings, prints, and photographs that examine the mine from a variety of perspectives, tracing its physical development as well as its effects on the local economy, culture, environment, and people. Featured artists include Jonas Lie, William Rittase, Andreas Feininger, Jean Arnold, Edward Burtynsky, and the Center for Land Use Interpretation, among others. The exhibition also includes photographs of the mine after the massive landslide of spring 2013, the effects of which continue to impact the mine’s operations.

**Exhibition dates are subject to change.


Utah Museum of Fine Arts
University of Utah
Marcia & John Price Museum Building
410 Campus Center Drive
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
(801) 581-7332

Museum Hours
Tuesday–Friday: 10:00 am–5:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 10:00 am–8:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 11:00 am–5:00 p.m.
Closed Mondays and holidays
Visit our website:

General Admission
UMFA Members | FREE
Adult | $9
Senior (ages 65+) | $7

Youth (ages 6-18) | $7
Children under 6 | FREE
Out of State College Students | $7
Utah College Students with a valid ID | FREE
University of Utah students, staff and faculty with a valid ID | FREE
Military Families | FREE

For group rates (10 or more) please call 801.581.3580, 24 hours in advance.